The Sexist Word Hit List (Women’s Version)

Ball-and-chain, cougar, crone, ditzy, flat-chested, hag, homely, jailbait, kankles, nag, old maid, plain Jane, skank, slut, spinster…

Here’s a thought: If there’s no equivalent word to insult males, STOP USING THE WORD. If we’re serious about this equality thing, that is.

Stop using them in your speech. If you’re a writer or blogger, stop writing ’em.

Some of you, though, are already laughing too hard. “The idiot! How can there be a male equivalent for ‘flat-chested‘?”.

And I say: How about “Small-balled?” “Puny-pricked?”

Men would be up in arms if their penis sizes (or ass, shoulder, or bicep sizes) were commented on openly, yet men feel free to comment openly about women’s body part sizes and shapes, often in mixed groups, in print and public, even in respected publications.

What. The. F#ck.

The Pejorative Alphabet of Sexism–Women’s Version

Feel free to comment, add terms, fill in the missing letters.

ball and chain
A wife or live-in girlfriend as a weight dragging down her man. “Chain”, at least, ought to apply to the wife-beaters out there.

A woman who men think has a sexy body but an unattractive face (“Sexy but [for] her face.”) No equivalent term for men. Because fewer women are both so shallow and cruel?

A middle-aged or older woman dating a much-younger man. Some women think this is a compliment. Most men use it as an insult. It seems that most men admire older men who “snag” younger women; especially when the age gap is very large.

A wrinkled old woman. No equivalent for a wrinkled old man. Why don’t we stop insulting old men AND women?

A silly, disorganized woman. No equivalent for men.

An unnecessary vaginal bidet-in-a-bottle, used to insult men. Just yuck.

Why is it okay to consider the body a woman was born with–or anyone’s body or face they cannot change without surgery–fair game for insult? Any body size/part insults used only for men?

girl/little girl/ladies(when used to mean “weak” or “cowardly”)
Fathers, coaches, teachers, drill sergeants–call boys “ladies” or “girls” to insult them and make them work harder. Males, you are insulting your own mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, as well as those of your sons, and you are preparing your straight sons for poorer relationships with women.

See how young boys are when they learn their girls-are-lesser lessons:

An ugly, usually old, woman. See crone

harpy, harridan
Terms that describe extremely unpleasant abrasive women who constantly harrangue others. There are no equivalent insult words for men.

“To henpeck” — When a man doesn’t like a woman complaining more than once about something he hasn’t done yet. See nag.

“Henpecked”– What some men call another who listens to his woman partner more than THEY think he should. See pussy-whipped.

Or: A cowardly man afraid of a bossy woman partner. Used as a meme in books and film, the woman is often portrayed as large, ugly, and loud-mouthed, and the man as petite.

A word for ugly; used almost exclusively for women.

Males who are wrongly attracted to very young girls use this term to let themselves off the moral hook by blaming those girls. But females wanting sex with too-young males are viewed as perverts–as well they should be.

Ankles wider than a man thinks they should be. No new words are coined by women for men’s body parts to insult them. (Comment if you know of any.)

Penis. As in “I’ll LET you lick it”. Other cultures have described the delights of women’s nether regions, but ours has offered very little in that regard in comparison to extolling the joys of dick. (Love you, Missy Elliot, for a great experience of hearing something different in tone –tho’ eff that shaving it sh#t! If a man wants a little-girl pussy, he probably likes jailbait, too.)

Frequently paired with “flat-chested”. A meme in film, as if smaller-breasted women are genetically doomed to be virgins and frightened of the world. Just as larger-breasted women are thought by many males to be hotter for (their) action.

nag, nagging
When a man complains that a job wasn’t done which should have been, it’s called “complaining”. When a woman makes a reasonable request of a man, and he blows her off, and then again, and then AGAIN, this word is his way of excusing himself and blaming her, even in the business world (e.g. “I would have done it if she hadn’t NAGGED me.”)

old maid
An unmarried woman older than a culture thinks is acceptable for her to stay single. But for men, “bachelor” is acceptable, or even a compliment, at any age.

plain Jane
No male equivalent.

pussy(when used to mean cowardly)
WHY is okay to call males cowards by publicly calling them a word for “vagina”?

The modern, more women-hating version of henpecked.

A slut who is also dirty.

The double standard is just as alive today as in the 1950’s. The more women a man “conquers”, the more he is admired.

Another word for old maid.

thunder thighs
Yet another repulsive term used by some men–even obese men–to insult a part of women’s bodies. Yet women do not think to do the same to men. Isn’t it time the greater number of men who indulge in first-grade name-calling about women chose to grow up instead?

WHY do many men continue to put women down? If they’d stop, we women could stop putting men down…

You think I WANT to be up on a feminist soapbox so often? Makes me tired. Now, where are some strong male arms to carry me to bed…

Uh…no. Not yours.


More songs about cunnilingus:
Jezebel Blog>Songs About Cunnilingus
If you liked this post, you might like others on the Sexism menu, like these:
F#ck You, Women Readers–Male Writers
F#ck You, Women Readers–Android Market
“Thunder thighs” inspired by another blogger’s post which I’d link to, but forgot which (sorry!)–write if it was yours.


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  1. Kankers, hen pecked; I’d never heard these terms before. Such unnecessary double standards resulted from one sex’s insecurities.


    • Zee nail–zee head–she haz togezair heet zem.

      It is difficult at times not to put that hammer to another use, eh? Good thing we’re GIRLS and don’t know how to use hammers.


  2. Love this post … hadn’t heard “lollipop” before, that’s hilarious 🙂

    You’re a character, and an education !



    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting, Don. I am glad you enjoyed the post.
      Have a lovely, gripe-free day.
      –O. Babe


      • You’re welcome, and deal with the topic in a very light hearted way … which is charismatic, so I salute you …

        I have a surprise for you, but don’t ask me what it is because I wont tell … no amount of “nagging” will crack the Don Charisma 🙂



        Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Don Charisma and commented:

    Potentially NSW – so perhaps read at home 🙂

    I love the humour here, Outlier babe is very charismatic in her being mildly offended on what she sees as “sexism” … Guys you could learn a thing or two from her, and she doesn’t bite … or so she says 🙂

    BTW she inspired my “nagging” post yesterday, so just goes to show that “anything is possible with Charisma” …

    Thanks Outlier babe for being a good sport …



    Liked by 2 people

    • When you said you had a surprise for me, Don Charisma, you weren’t kidding. A fascinating and generous gesture, coming from one whose views I clearly opposed in our recent debate on the topic. I cannot yet say I will reciprocate by referring my superbly splendiferous Followers over to your nagging post–wait a moment–yes, I’ve just travelled over there to read, and then spewed out my usual Aspie-wordy comment, so NOW there’s a link.
      My comment on your post was lazy in that I included no references for the research I mention, but I’ve already been online much longer than planned today, and will need to be a bit more to handle the traffic you so generously routed my way. Thanks again for that.


      • One good turn deserves another … a very enlightening discussion actually, you’re a great debater and good sport 🙂

        I have friends from almost all persuasions, faiths, creeds, colours, genders, sexual orientations etc, so never let differences of opinion get in the way of relationship …

        As for reciprocal reblog not needed or expected, I liked your post and saw merit in sharing, not to get something for myself 😀

        And don’t worry about references – I believe you, I don’t get that you’d lie about something like that …

        Enjoy the spotlight and have a great day


        Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes guys, Pay attention to the GREAT WHORE….we real woman are tired of this B.I.T.C.H.! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have heard “jailbait” used as a unisex term, but mostly these are certainly sexist and degortary…issues of sex are pretty messed up in the USA…so I watch blogs that women post and try really hard to learn from them…apparently in real life women don’t need to speak because men are mind readers. so I learn stuff 2nd hand through blogs…plus i’m 52 and i’m starting to relieze lotion is indeed a happy wife…sorry if that offends

    Liked by 1 person

    • Interesting! I had never heard or seen “jailbait” used to refer to boys. I also find it interesting that you try to read women’s blogs–not sure what that means, for that would cover a whole lot of subject material. This blog, for instance, is not a “feminism” blog. If you look at the menus in the sidebars, that’s pretty clear. But now that I think about it, there has been an overall difference in the writing styles between the blogs I follow written by women and those by men. The humor is different, I think, and the women are more into philosophy and current events. But that could very well be simply because of the blogs I follow.

      I don’t understand your lotion reference, unless you mean you prefer your life-long companion to be your hand. Why would that offend? My only question is what that has to do with the post or your age or the rest of your comment…

      Liked by 1 person

      • my experience has been that woman tend to be “yes dears” even if I might be hurting their the internet world I can read blog, watch vlogs, etc that women might post and be more expressive…what better way to learn what a woman might want than to hear what other women are saying and then adjusting my behavior or discussing the issue with my partner

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ah–THAT is why you need to be in Aspie social circles. My experience is that men are “silence, dears”. Same problem.


      • the hand reference is just me saying trying to develop a new relationship is just not worth the effort…i’m tired and so many women in my age group (45 to 55) are darn jaded after years of bad relationships that I don’t have a chance…


        • Yeah, I get that. Hard not to just give up. If I didn’t like sex with men so much, I would, too. And I like being FRIENDS with men. Whole different thing than women friends. If I could get both in one package–Wow.

          Liked by 1 person

          • my sexuality and my insecurities mix into a toxic goo…not worth the drama…I hate men…lived with them for 10yr…I love women, esp. gay women…I can put my sexual issues in a box and enjoy the relationship…problem is this is so far “out there” that it’s not believable…so say “whhhatever” and move on

            Liked by 1 person

  6. A Like doesn’t begin to do justice to my response.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. As if we women need more of our own words to tick each other off, eh?


      • Maybe more words to come back at the people who use the ones you listed…

        Liked by 1 person

        • But if one opened those gates and started, how could one ever stop?

          Actually, though, that’s a great idea for a post: A list of equivalents, in kind if not literally. Hmmm… I’d rather someone else wrote this on their blog, though, I think. Are you up for it?

          Liked by 1 person

  7. I wasn’t thinking of equivalents, really, but ways to come back at people for using them.


    • Awesome! A feminism enforcement branch! Or, to restrict it specifically to this offense, as I believe you intended–Let me think a moment… Nope. Can’t come up with anything effective unless we resort to:

      Use the same dirty-but-effective tactics as the Gamergate trolls. But I don’t think any of us want to go that far.

      The problem is, anything less than that will be ineffective–any simple blanket barrage of outraged texts and tweets and emails directly to the male author and to the publication that hosted his abusive words.

      All our words of outrage will be ignored due to the “Wah-Wah-Wah” effect (a.k.a. the “Peanuts” effect):
      The effect where all women’s words are heard by men exactly the way the Peanuts children hear the words of adults: Wah-Wah, Wah-Wah, Wah-Wah-Wah-Wah-Wah…

      Dang. Was gonna write a post on this.

      😦 😡 😡
      (This topic gets me a little hot under my always-feminine lacy Victorian collar.)


  8. Hmmm. A few come to mind:

    moobs (on par with cankles), player, boy toy, nurse-with-purse hunter, milquetoast

    As an aside, a woman’s magazine took that word cankles (appeared in print in 1996 in an exploration of blended words and was wordplay about how words get into the dictionary, then 2001 in a movie, and Glamour magazine then ran with it (see link here:

    Many negative words about women come from women themselves, or the industries that market to our physical insecurities. While men may fling them about in public language, we coin ’em and use ’em about each other and ourselves.

    Heh, I love words, so this was interesting.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oooh, forgot the most ubiquitous one – prick.
      Now I’ll be useless at work, trying to think of more apt words. Darn you OB! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, you definitely have hit the mark with moobs and milquetoast. The latter has a long tradition behind it–Doesn’t the actor Wally Cox spring to mind immediately?–and it is high time to eradicate those unfair words for men, as well. Interesting where player and boy toy are concerned: Sometimes, both women and men use them with admiration. Which is too bad, I think–or at least where player is concerned.

      I am trying to be fair myself with pr#ck, and apply it to women, too. B#stard, as well. Otherwise, yes: Terribly sexist, as is d#ck, but I left out ALL those words for vagina and penis and breasts that are used as straight-out curses, because my aim was the mainstream “it’s okay say it in polite company or print it in the newspaper” kind of words.

      Had never heard the nurse/purse thing. Took a bit of googling to find it. I’m on dating sites now, so–yup–truth! But we need a non-sexist phrase to describe those seeking wealth-providing or housekeeping caregivers, since women do it, too–and I’m sure other-gendered people do or will do, also!

      I checked out the link–great, thank you!–and the Glamor info, plus your following paragraph, is true and disheartening.

      You love words, eh? Me, too. You might like my silly verse posts. Here are some:

      Apostrophe Catastrophe


      Science, or Art?: An Application of Creative Truthiness In the Workplace

      You might also enjoy my friend Cynthia’s blog, even if you don’t like poetry, because of her wordplay. Here is where it all began.

      Thank you for visiting! (By all means, do so again–Sharp folks always encouraged over here, as you can tell if you check out comments from my other sharp readers : )


  9. Ditz applies to all genders. Our wedding announcement said Ditzy and Dingy were getting married and we never did agree on who was which. Crone is actually part of a triad of terms for women (maiden, mother, crone) that are not insulting; crones are wisewomen, not wrinkled has-beens. Cougar is a fairly recent term for women and the male equivalent is much worse — he is called a pervert or a dirty old man.

    Otherwise, I like the list and appreciate the spirit in which it was created. Opposing sexism is important. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Tim.

      We agree and disagree on some terminology usage. You’re right: Ditz or ditzy can be applied to both genders, but I believe commonly is not. Re: crone, some women have tried to redefine it to be an honorific, but this is a fledgling effort, and not yet mainstream usage. I do agree with you that there are no female equivalents for pervert or dirty old man, and that isn’t fair. We’ve read fairly regularly of female teachers having sex with quite young male students. Those women are ill–perverts. But I don’t think cougar and dirty old man/pervert are being used as equivalents. The tone, as I’ve seen it, of young males about “cougars” has been one of amusement, mild disgust, or ridicule, with occasional exceptions. I admit I am generalizing from very limited examples/exposure. Whereas there is a sense of nastiness about (male) perverts or dirty old men that “cougars” just don’t carry. In a sense, I suspect that woman just aren’t taken seriously enough–aren’t people enough?–to be seen as equally threatening, even to minors.

      Thank YOU for reading, and for commenting constructively.

      –O. Babe


      • I agree with Tim’s comments about the spirit of the list. There’s a ton of sexist language especially in slang, and like all degredation of groups of lesser power (often minority covers the category, but obviously not with sexim.)

        My caviat is that sometimes there’s an over-sensitivity that I believe ironicallly stokes sexist, reactionary attitudes of those who would brand purveyors as word a/o thought police. Bear in mind I would never assert that any such over-reaction to institutional oppression can remotely compare to the oppression that inspired it – that kind of Fox News victim-mentality propoganda is beyond stupid and absurd, it’s utterly toxic. Witness how much Trumps outlandish assertion that the PC movement is one of the great cultural plagues of our times has resonated with people who simply can’t tolerate the idea of the world changing in any way from their delisional impression of a more ideal discourse of recent past eras.

        One area where I feel some ambivalence but in some cases may well be a bias with certain terms applies to my affinity for humor in language particularly in actual creative works of comedy, particularly satire, where absurdity and shock value are part of the mix. There’s increasing discussion of this in the comedy / entertainment world with comics, even directly addressed as part of comic routines such as recent ones by Louis CK – whose stand up even aestecally has me frequently with one foot in, and one out – deals with supposed grey area as relating to point of view and context, for terms like faggot, cunt, and almost incredibly, nigger. (Sorry folks who insist “the n-word” always be used instead. This is one example of where I think banishment of the word even in discussion of the word is, in most contexts, childish and pointless. And don’t get me started on purging it from Huckleberry Finn.”)

        LCK does represent a certain extreme trafficking in shock comedy, but even a milder voice like Jerry Seinfeld has become vocal about how many college campus audience’s filter puts a stranglehold on language in humor. One example he has drawn was a reference to someone behaving like a “sissy French king” or some such.

        Interestingly, Seinfeld the sitcom dealt often with the judicious avoidance of intolerant attitudes, such as the “not that there’s anything wrong with that” episode where Jerry and George seek to dispel a false impression they are a gay couple. I’m not in complete agreement with Jerry on all his assertions but I definitely agree, as passionately asserted by other leftie comics such as Patton Oswalt, that knee-jerk persecution via internet flaming of comics – particularly up and coming ones who are still trying to “find their voice” in a culture of many contradictions – being flamed and branded bigots online, as abetted by YouTube clips of performances meant only for tiny audiences who presumably accept or even expect performers who may play with the line. (As shock comic Daniel Tosh says in act, “I intentionally cross my boundary of decency, that’s how I know it’s there.”) See also the current Netflix-able documentary, “Can We Take a Joke?” I’ve not seen it, and know I disagree with views of some of it’s participants such as, IMO, asshead Adam Corrolla; I hated The Man Show. But for a very quick video encaspulation that I 100% agree with, see Jim Gaffigan’s (one of the cleanest, offense-free comics around) take on this on YouTube.

        My reason for coming across this list, in fact, has to do with a comic song I’m working on, a musical parody celebrating aspects of Obama as we say goodbye to his public prominence. It contains some minor hip-hop influenced “dis” pot-shot language against a few figures like McCaine & Bush, referred to as “geezer” and “dummy.” I was surfing indeliberation over referring to Palin as a “bimbo.” For context, I who despise hip-hop’s rampant sexism, which is even nakedly hypocritical with works of protest over black oppression. The casual use of bitches and ho’s in songs I largely like in other respects, turns my stomach.

        So my gut was saying no to bimbo, also based on the rampant 70’s / early 80’s use of the word to even describe women of say average intelligence as a generic put-down, if they were sexy and particularly had large breasts. It also seemed downright pathetic, often clearly coming out of spite from men really bemoaning lacked prospects of sleeping with their targets.

        What I liked about the word however, was the valid inference that Palin’s vacuousness was superseded for so many simply for being hot. (Though not to me personally, once I’d sized up her idiocy at least.)

        The word I’m tossing around now is ditz, and to be honest, despite acknowledging some innate sexism, I think I’m going with it to make similar inferences of “bimbo” in a softer way. Also because unlike bimbo, I think there are borderline male equivalents, though admittedly some of them were passing language fads rarely used today, but there are many. Terms like bonehead, putz, yutz, knucklead, blockhead (see Charlie Brown,) (lots more -head ones,) bozo, dipshit, dipstick, doofus, dork, fucknut, lug, pud, sap, schmuck**, stumblebum, etc. (I would assert there are far more innately male epithets than female coming from predominantly Jewish culture, which are often part and parcel from a Jewish comedy traditions springing from vaudeville and especially so-called “catskills” comics.”

        Admittedly a number of these aren’t innately male-skewing, but are in my observation vastly used more for men than women.

        This also applies to what I think are many male equivalents, often in common use, for “bitch”: asshole, bastard, jerk, jaggoff (lots implying masturbation but in practice inferring mean-spiritedness; my favorite is the British “tosser”) mother fucker, which like “son of a bitch” and even “cocksucer” lost of most of intended literal meaning long ago. And of corse there are the male appendage terms with no gay connotations, dick and variations dickhead, dickweed, etc. prick, more recently tool and even unit. Those I’d say equivalents to cunt even though the latter is tabboo enough to warrant “the C-word” reference, a distinction I believe shared only by fuck and nigger.

        Here’s a few others on your list I think have approximate male equivalents. Again, admittedly some are of lesser or dated usage, but for good measure:

        Cougar (not all of these specifically regard going after younger women but given womanizer’s proclivities there are strong implications) wolf, hound, hound dog*, dirty dog, dirty old man, creep, creeper (currently popular, my nieces have said it for years,) lech, cradle-robber, and the straight-forward womanizer. *hound dog and even hound loss usage after Elvis recorded Hound Dog, but at the time many scratched their head, including because the original version by Big Mama Thorton was very specifically about a womanizer with derelict intention. “You ain’t never caught a rabbit” was inditement of a mooching non-provider.

        crone (which inverse to some of my examples, seems to be in rare usage today): geezer, codger, old coot. (On the other hand, hag, old maid and plain jane I agree have no or few equivalents with emphasis on looks or marital status.)

        mousey: (most of these are nouns but can be adjectives with -ly suffix) wimp, wuss, chicken, fag, pussy.

        flat-chested / thunder thighs: not exactly the same but pencil-necked geek, geek on it’s own, weakling, wimp – not as appearance related coming from a man at least – but implying physical inferiority. One recently fashionable slam is referring to a fat guy having “man boobs.” Don’t know if I’ve ever heard a woman referred to as having a pot belly or love handles either.

        Last I would be remiss not to mention terms for being ineffectual, unsuccessful, etc., for which i can think of few female equivalents: zero, zilch, and especially loser. Loser may sound neutral, but not in my experience all. For instance, notice that no less a sexist, noxious filth-slinging pig than Donald Trump frequently refers to men as losers, but as far as I’ve noticed, never at women

        Sorry for running on. Language fascinates me. Respectfully submitted for consideration. Cheers.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hey, Brian!

          VERY thoughtful response, and a good read. Lots of valid points, and equivalencies. I don’t agree on every equivalency or detail, but in general my response is that your best points have to do with the insults on intellect and brawn. Ya’ got me.

          I do want to note that I believe there is a reason related to Susan Faludi’s backlash effect why cunt has taken the place of prick in recent years.

          Yes, various strengths and flavors of feminists are all over the spectrum, and some, through their own strong statements, have probably contributed to a stronger Susan Faludi backlash problem, just as you point out we’ve seen increased polarization in other arenas. I cannot blame, however. Please try to imagine telling a black during slave days “Why are you so ANGRY at white people? Not that bad!”

          Mens is pretty dang bad, on the whole, and once a woman has been fully “woke” (almost despise that word now), it is hard to remember that you-all are just people, too, and not TRYING to act entitled over us as you do–most of you are blind to the extent of your entitlement, just as most Southern whites were.

          Yay–go with bimbo–or try bimbetta. I self-justify using “bimbo” because I use it for males, and use “bimbetta” for females, as petty ironic “revenge”, since I actually dislike the diminutive being used to feminize anything, making the male the default standard (classic example: Smurfs/male. Smurfetta/female. humans/male, humanettes/female?)
          Re: your last point, O. M. G. You entitled male. Did you REALLY go there? (pausing to calm down and remember my point from the prior bullet : ) Oh dear! Sorry about that… Back to being nice again: My opinion is that the reason words like “loser” are not thrown at women is that words like “winner” aren’t, either–duh, man! Nor are “empire builder”, “inventor”, “scientist” (even when she is one), etc. Women haven’t been permitted away from hearth and home for that long, historically speaking, to earn that bread to be seen as successful, to have that associated with us to the point of being EXPECTED of us, to make an accusation of “loser” effective. But in the very short time we HAVE been part of the white-collar world, instead of women “losers”, we DO hear “disorganized”, “overbearing”, “shrill”, and coded words such as these to describe loser female managers. A disorganized male manager somehow gets that part of his work assigned to someone else. His shrill-voice (harsh-voice) is seen as professionally demanding. Etc.

          Hope I’ve keep my rabid feminist temper in check. I so enjoyed your excellent comment. Heading offline again, to my monkish non-blogging retreat (1 year and counting–just came on today to respond to comments). Thank you for visiting, Brian!

          –O. Babe


  10. Actually, now that I think about this list some more, there are a few other observations that must be made.

    As said already, many of these terms were coined by or are used by women as much as by men. Not sure how they can be sexist if both men and women use them, even if they (mostly) describe women.

    Jailbait is a real thing because most adult-to-underage is adult men to underage females. The power imbalance is much worse in that situation and, in many cases, the laws were written so that they protected girls, not boys. If someone can use their sexuality in such a way that the other person can wind up in jail, then jailbait is a reasonable term. There is no male equivalent because most males are raised to view sex differently and the laws often take that into account. I’m not saying we should be raised this way, but the fact is we are.

    I’m not sure if this list is out too soon or too late. One example of too late is “slut” as there is a movement to claim that word by those who refuse to hide their enjoyment of sex and the movement includes both female and male sluts. In any case, how do we talk about slut-shaming and why it’s wrong if we can’t use the word “slut”?

    You’ve given us much to think about with this list. Thank you.


    • I shall be interested to see just how far these terminology reclaiming efforts get. One cannot choose a nickname by just declaring it. One cannot reshape a language by just declaring it, either. Languages live and are steered by many forces, and unless the groups attempting term redefinition are perceived to be trendsetters or have some other linguistic pull–are they speakers of the latest in black English? do they know writers for popular series who will insert the usages into their shows? etc.–their efforts are unlikely to make much difference in what a 16-year-old male thinks when he calls a girl a slut.

      Regarding your point “not sure how (a term) can be sexist if both men and women use (it)”:

      When you have a subjugated caste, it is common that they adopt the master caste’s terms and perspectives and sometimes do not even realize to what extent they do so. This happened with enslaved blacks. So, similarly:

      Witness that many men freely, publicly, and in front of children, use a word for a woman’s sexual organ, vagina–“pussy”–to describe a coward, and “grow a pair” or “man up” to describe becoming brave(r). And now, many women can be heard saying the same–to women!!

      This is a perfect illustration of a subjugated caste.


  11. With respect, as I hate sexist remarks, I think there are levels to sexism, just like anything else. There’s also synonyms to most of these words. I don’t always find the use of certain words sexist, I find the context sexist. “Hen-pecked” is a specific phrase that means something specific. In context, it could be sexist or it could be non-sexist. Thanks for reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Scot,

      {{Sorry for the long delay–I’m on an extended blogging break–it’s been a year!}}

      I agree with you about sexism levels.
      Re: Synonyms, “Yay!”–let’s use those, instead.
      I agree that context can make a large difference in intent.
      My opinion is that many words/phrases have been coined based upon deeply sexist assumptions and cannot be divested of those. Use of these will forever be pejorative to girls and women, independent of whatever context they are in other than explicatory.
      I can’t imagine a non-sexist use of henpecked, but am open to hearing an example.

      Thank YOU! : )

      –O. Babe


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